For years, Granny and her husband, Garrette H. Bostick, had ministered together, first in the hills of western North Carolina with the Blue Ridge Mountain Bible Mission in the 1940s, then in itinerant and church ministry in the 1950s as Garrette served as pastor of Ansel Street Chapel in Spartanburg. That is where Joe Mosley, the preacher who assisted at Granny’s funeral, first met them and came to know the Lord under Garrette’s ministry.
After Garrette went to be with the Lord in 1965, Granny continued on in ministry in a variety of forms: distributing gospel tracts, teaching “Good News” clubs for children (she really knew how to work a flannelgraph), Jewish evangelism, working with girl’s homes and women in jail and prison ministries, playing piano and singing here and there for churches and other gatherings. She was always looking for an opportunity to encourage others with the word of the gospel. Even in her nineties, if you spoke with her on the phone, you were liable to have her sing you a song.

On Thursday, we committed Granny’s body to the ground from which it came, where it will await a future day, for we live in sure and certain hope of the resurrection. In the meantime, she is rejoicing in the presence of the Lord with Garrette and my mother. So we are rejoicing, too.
All is well.