Thursday, July 1, 2010

Books in 60 Seconds ~ Even in Bright Sunlight!

Amazon has been advertising for a while about how, with the Kindle reader, you can download books in 60 seconds (over their free 3G wireless network). It also has a long battery life (up to one week on a single charge). It also now reads PDFs (that's a new feature, I think). And the Kindle books are also accessible on the Kindle apps for iPad, iPhone and other smartphones.

But here is where they stand out from iPad, and what they highlight in the video below: They are easy to read ~ even in bright sun light!

You can find out more about it here (they've just cut the price to $189).

BTW, did I tell you that all my books are now available in Kindle? Yeah, and if you have a Kindle reader (or a Kindle app for your iPhone or iPad), you can be reading them in 60 seconds.

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